
Dream a little Dream

Dreams are on my mind.  I have had many in my lifetime, most have. Even animals dream,                            I have watched my dog dream, woofing quietly, feet thrashing.  I mean sleeping dreams, not aspirations. I have had happy dreams, sad dreams. Prophetic dreams, nightmares.  Dreams where I am an observer in the life of a stranger. I have had repetitive dreams, some that stuck with me throughout my childhood. Yes, I have been a day dreamer, it said so on one of my report cards. But the dreams that haunt my nights are the subject here. Over the years I have written down many of my more outstanding dreams, some also, repetitive. I have learned to analyze my dreams, and also dreams of others. Probably something I picked up in Psych classes. But, dreams are often analyzable, dreams are often a projection of our fears or inhibitions. And, so, we dream. What else is there to do in an unconscious mind. I would think that if we are unconscious, or in a coma for a length of time, we
The Winter of My Total Discontent I am sure that many others, in fact millions of others, feel the same way that I have about the Never Ending Winter of 2013-14. If we didn't have snow, we had ice, or subzero temps. Who ever heard of the Polar Vortex, not me! But I am sure familiar with that bad boy now!  First we had El Nino, then La Nina. Those little boys and girls were bad enough. Their Big Brother Polar Vortex, on the other hand, geez.  That 'Weather Family' is the scourge of the Neighborhood. I think everybody ate a lot of Soup, baked a lot of Bread and sweets, and Napped, through the whole stinkin mess. I can only speak for myself, but that is how I spent this Eternal Winter. Now, it appears that Spring has sprung. Things are turning green, its raining daily, and I even saw the Sun a time or two. Most allergy sufferers are now sneezing their way around town, so it must be true. I have dreamed of this moment for so long, the flowers, the budding trees, the gentle
Wow this blog is totally devoid of all matter.  Well , anyway, I am just updating the fact that I am now back on it and will be blogging in ernest.  See ya soon!!!

Pickin Wild Flowers In Powers Woods

When I was a kid I lived with my Grandma, Grandfather (Poppa), Aunt Gwen, Aunt Betty, Aunt Marge, Marge's son Bill and Uncle Walt. Just a small family. :) In the Spring my Aunt Gwen's friend Ruth White would come over and we would all go wildflower pickin in the woods by our house.  Now mind you, we lived in town, but close to the edge and near the Sangamon River.  That's the river that Lincoln took a flatboat on when he was young and his family had a cabin just west of here. Well anyway, back to the's  still pretty much the same today as back then.  There were always houses surrounding it, and it was a hilly area with dips and ravines.  The woods is situated between Greenwood Avenue and South Edward St. As a child I spent lots of time playing in the woods with the kids in the neighborhood.  That was shortly after the end of WWII and the army surplus had loads of things to play War with; things even a kid could afford. We had a fort there in the woods which
It is now officially 2010, time to get it into gear.  I messed aroung during the Holidays in a sugar induced haze; well those days are over.  I have postponed, procrastinated, and lazed until I can't stand myself.  Now I am sure I'm not the only one, and as you read this you're thinking... and?. Does that mean I'm normal or generally lazy like everyone else. Don't know.  But I know this, I have to let it go and start the new year with a grip on reality.  I have no intention of making grand resolutions that will never be kept. That's my point, I know what I am capable of and what I can generally accomplish.  So here we go: This year I will spend less time on Twitter and Facebook and more time writing something that needs to be written and in more that 140 characters.  I write short stories but the ain't that short! I will get going on All my creative projects; because, this could be the last year that I can get them done, who knows. Ah, you think that is W

The Fall

this was written in 1988..... It's really chilly this mornin; I tell ya Spring is so durned unpredictable. Yesterday the temperature was 85, and today we'll do good if it gets up past 45. At least the sun come out. Maybe it'll be a pretty day, anyway. Sittin here, just a lookin out my kitchen window, I can see the City is tearin up the danged street again. A new sewer system this time. Every Spring they start tearin up the streets, and then there's dust all over everythin, more work for me. It feels really strange around here now, without Pete. Hard for me to believe he's really gone. Last night I was watchin the T.V., and somethin come on that i knew he'd get a kick out of. Thinkin he was in the kitchen, I yelled; "Hey Pete, come and check this out!" Then it dawned on me...Pete's gone. I'm sure gonna miss that man; he was good company. We used to do everythin together: if he went, I went. and lord that man kept me laughin, alw

Brown Sugar Time

FALL IN DECATUR  A specialtime of year. I call it Brown Sugar Time, because now when I bake or cook I will use lots of Brown Sugar. The Leaves are changing color now and on Decatur Street, the magnificent oaks are ablaze again. Wet red brick streets sprinkled with fallen leaves.  Caramel apples are again available at Del's Popcorn Shop. Time to ride over to Arthur, to get Freshly pressed Apple cider from the Amish Orchard, a sweet Halloween treat whether ice cold or warmed with mulled spices. These are the signs of the continuity in my life. These are some of the reasons I stay. It's also time for the haunted Decatur Tours, and my spirited friends in the nearby cemetary will frolic for a time. This is a homey time of the year, makes me want to knit and quilt, makes me want to walk in the woods. And it mostly makes me want to bake, oh how I want to bake....with Brown Sugar of course......